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Inheritance in divorce

 Clients often want to know whether their spouse will be entitled to make a claim on their inheritance once the divorce process has started. While there is no single, straightforward answer to this question, this post will try to explain how a Court might decide how inherited assets are to be treated. 

Read more on Inheritance in divorce

Divorce & Separation 


  “Good Divorce Week” falls at the end of this month, a time when the legal profession aims to raise awareness of the alternatives to court proceedings. Our last post talked about collaborative law but this article intends to provide more information about another alternative to court by focussing on mediation. Both the Government and the Family Courts are committed to growing mediation as an alternative to contested court proceedings couples engaging but what is mediation and is it right for you?

Read more on Mediation

Divorce & Separation 

Divorce or Separation under the Collaborative process

 The collaborative process can help you and your ex reach agreement about financial matters or children’s arrangements whilst retaining your own team of professionals.

Read more on Divorce or Separation under the Collaborative process

Divorce & Separation 

Parental alienation

 Parental alienation is a much-used, but much misunderstood term, used frequently in relation to children matters. 

Read more on Parental alienation

Divorce & Separation 

Sorting out children’s arrangements when parents separate

As difficult as it may seem at first, managing to successfully parent across two homes is achievable.

Read more on Sorting out children’s arrangements when parents separate

Divorce & Separation 

What is a prenup agreement and why might you need one?

 A pre-nuptial agreement, otherwise known as a prenup is becoming an ever increasingly common document between couples these days. With many second or third marriages, where each party has established income and assets, the desire to protect these, should the marriage end in divorce, is a strong one. 

Read more on What is a prenup agreement and why might you need one?

Divorce & Separation 

Is it time to take control if you think your marriage or relationship is over?

We all know that marriages and relationships have their high and low points, their ups and downs, their speed bumps. And each partnership will be able to recognise when the speed bumps are ahead and will have its own strategies for getting through the tough times. But how do you know when a marriage or relationship is really over? How do you know when the speed bumps are just too large to negotiate, too frequent and that it is time to take over the controls and change lanes?

Read more on Is it time to take control if you think your marriage or relationship is over?

Divorce & Separation